With my corrections finished and my thesis safely at the bindery, I thought it was safe to escape to Montreal. My good friend Amy is having a very important birthday on the 14th, but since I'll be in Greece then, I had to make sure I saw her. After sprinting to the post office to courier my med school application to Winnipeg, I arrived to the train station just in the nick of time. Jessica joined me in the adventure, which meant that I also had a knitting partner. We both knit socks on the train. She's making some toe-up socks using Wendy's pattern, and I'm still working on sue's birthday socks. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to bring the pattern and how to turn the heel. Luckily I only got to that part of the knitting when we were almost back in Toronto.
Here is everyone having dinner on Saturday night.
Here we are snuggling with Jack (the dog) who insisted on sleeping with Jessica and I every night.
The weekend was very fun. There was a lot of catching up, dancing and cycling around Montreal. That city has some amazing bike paths. It was good training for Greece, as I haven't cycled with traffic in a while. Of course, Jessica and I wanted to do a little yarn shopping while we were there. We were mainly interested in going to La Bobineuse de Laine which is listed at the back of the stitch n' bitch book and sells yarn by the pound. This was something I could get behind. But they weren't open on Sunday (boo). Luckily, La Tricoteuse, which was literally one block away from where we were staying, was.
Here's Jess standing in front of a yarn wall stroking something soft. She ended up getting a couple of balls of variegated Alfosse Lopi to make a felted bag. I suppressed all urges to buy all of the phildar magazines and only got two balls of sock yarn, for sue's Christmas present.
The visit ended with a trip to the Tam-Tams. It was a gorgeous summer day. People were dancing and singing, and sprawled lazily across the grass with their families. I wished I could have stayed longer.
My favourite thing to do in Montreal is to go to the tam tams after/while eating fatty pastries and smoked meat.
I biked through Montreal last summer and those hills look so much nicer when you're walking them, not biking your ass off on those things. Looks like you had fun and I'm very jealous!
Posted by: Stevie | October 06, 2005 at 11:10 PM
This is going to sound strange, but today I started knitting again after, oh say, 10 years, and for fun I was looking online to check out some patterns etc.. I noticed your "Domestically Challenged" website and thought, hey that sounds like me!! So as I'm checking out the sight, I notice that an old Alexander Public School friend of mine (that I've unfortunately lost touch with) is one of your knitting crew. Here's where it gets weirder; Jessica's picture just about took my breath away, as two nights prior I had a dream that we were shopping together (strange that in the picture, she was in a yarn store)!! So Allison, if you talk to her, could let her know that Karen would love to get back in touch with her, and maybe she can show me some cool knitting techniques! Ask her if she's going to be in Sudbury with Dee and Dave over Christmas because I'd love to see her!!
Posted by: Karen Joblin | November 10, 2005 at 03:12 PM